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New Releases

On this page you will find the newest RC Releases I have been able to review with a summary of my thoughts on that specific RC. I will also have links to each RC below the plane or by clicking on the main image to learn what each manufacturer has to say about that item.


Note: Always feel free to reach out to me on my Facebook Page with any questions I was not able to answer below.

E-flite UMX ME-262 EDF Jet

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I love the looks of this jet in the air and its speed! I only have a few flights on this brand new EDF Jet so far, but boy am I impressed! Stay tuned and I will share more about this very cool Twin 30mm Micro EDF Jet. It runs on 3S power and runs off of Spektrum's 850mAh 3S Smart Packs or Spektrum's 600mAh Packs. Some folks might enjoy the Spektrum Smart Powerstage Air Bundle with the 850mAh 3S G2 Smart LiPo Battery & S120 Charger to add a quick and easy charger to the mix at the flying field.


It binds with all current Spektrum Radios, comes pre-tuned with the legendary AS3X gyro system & Safe Select, telemetry via its Smart ESC/Smart Receiver, and has a VERY nice light kit built into it. Did I mention very rugged landing gear for an UMX EDF Jet?

Click here for yours: E-flite UMX ME-262

Arrows Sky Cruiser RC Plane

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One can best describe this 1400mm RC Plane as a "smooth flier". That and the fact that is has plenty of power on a 3S 2200 makes it a very accessible model for most RC Pilots. At the time of release, this plane is also $50 less that its retail price of $230.


This one is also best suited for those who like to "build" or "model". I say that because it does take some effort to assemble it, which also involves using glue. Because of that, it does not break down easy for transport, but it still fits fully assembled in my very small car. That should make that a non-issue for most RC Pilots. 

Click here for yours: Arrows RC Sky Cruiser

FMS Cessna 182 RC Plane

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This 1500mm FMS Cessna is one of the best flying RC Planes I have flown. It breaks down and transports super easy, plus is looks the part. It also has a great light kit and suspension nose wheel. 


The 4S power is my favorite part to easily get it up and off of the rough grass field I fly from the most often. Click on the image above or the link below to get yourself one of these, while they last!

Click here for yours: FMS Cessna

E-flite UMX F-86 EDF Jet

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I love this very scale new 30mm EDF Jet that runs on 4S batteries! It hand launches very easy and has lots of power in a very beautifully executed scheme with plastic bits in the right places. It also comes with landing gear, but so far, I have only hand launched it due to my main runway being torn up from construction. 


Last but not least, it comes with a highly tuned gyro enabled receiver built-into the plane, making it a BNF Basic (Bind And Fly Basic) with AS3X and SAFE Select that features a Launch Assist Mode that kicks in at 100% throttle when hand launching in SAFE after a firm toss.

Click here for yours: E-flite F-86 UMX RC Jet

Durafly Tundra V3

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The Durafly Tundra V3 from Hobby King is the absolute best version of the Durafly Tundra. It comes with a nice light kit, a float kit, and runs on a powerful setup that can handle 4S fun. Did I mention the prop out of the box is extremely durable? I have flown it on both 4S 2200's and 4S 2600's. Both options do a great job

Click here for yours: Durafly Tundra V3 RC Bush Plane

E-flite Micro Draco

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This newer and smaller version of 2M E-flite Draco is a better flying version of the two. It has better suspension (it actually works on this one) and still has a very impressive light kit, just at a smaller size.


This flies on either 3S or 4S batteries. I prefer how it flies and CG's with the Recommended 4S Battery. The flight envelope is quite wide for something this small and very few people that buy it will not enjoy it. The only thing that could be an issue is that just like Big Brother, it does require some flying skills to get the most out of it. Those that use heavier than recommended packs will be asking for this plane to stall.


This E-flite Micro Plane is worth the price tag in my humble opinion and worth buying when in stock. Click on the image above the link below to see the current price of this Aerobatic High Winged RC Plane.

Click here for yours E-flite Micro Draco

FMS Integral 80mm EDF Jet

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This PNF EDF Jet with its unique futuristic design offers a lot of pros for me and where I fly. The highly capable FMS Integral 80mm platform goes where you point it, just like a great flying jet should. The speed is about perfect for most RC Pilots, lights are functionally day bright, excellent presence in the air, and the rugged landing gear as good as any jet I have owned.


When I am in the mood to fly an 80mm Jet, this FMS Jet will be at the top of my list. It is a great size and fits perfectly in my car for easy grab and go transport.,

Click here for yours: FMS Integral EDF Jet

If you want to learn how to fly RC Planes, visit the Learn To Fly Page

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