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Top 5 Baby Products

On this page, I highlight the best baby products my lady and I have used to keep our baby happy and content. Some of them only work at certain times, so please carefully read the descriptions for each item to gain a maximum understanding of what they can do to help Mom & Dad get more sleep and for baby to be happier.

Boppy Nursing Pillow

The Boppy Nursing Pillow has to be one of the most helpful tools we have used so far. It was designed by a Mom, yet feels like it had the Dad in mind nearly as much as the Mom. What I mean by that is it completely saves your arms, neck, and back when feeding the baby formula out of a bottle. It also helps as a cradle to keep your infant in various positions throughout their development when your body just cannot hold her anymore.

Click here to get your Boppy Nursing Pillow

E-flite Apprentice STS 1.5M RTF RC Trainer Plane

The E-flite Apprentice STS 1.5M is the Gold Standard for RTF RC Trainer Planes. I would have it at the very top of the list if it was not for the price at around $399 currently. Not every beginner can invest that much money without knowing if the hobby is a good fit for them, but that done not mean that is plane is not one of the best trainer planes dollar for dollar. It truly is the best what you get in return for your initial investment.


This model's large size makes it an ideal choice due to better visibility and the ability to handle more wind with its inherently stable design. That is just part of why it is the world's favorite club trainer. I do recommend that you avoid buying and using the GPS and landing assist sensors as they can complicate things unnecessarily.

Click here get your E-flite Apprentice STS

Durafly Prime Tundra 1200mm STOL Trainer

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The new Durafly Prime Tundra Trainer Plane is a VERY FUN RC Plane, even after you have already learned how to fly. For the beginner, it does not have bad habits found on most planes, even those designed for beginners. It does come RTF or in a PNP version to cater to complete noobs or those that want to enjoy the "Fun Factor' it brings to the table. Both versions come with a gyro system that has a beginner assist feature & another setting that helps smooth out turbulence on windy days. 

Hobbyzone Aeroscout S 2 1.1m RTF RC Trainer Plane

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This RC Trainer Plane is a nice balance between the E-flite Apprentice STS 1.5M and Arrows Pioneer when it comes to price and performance. It is currently around $230 and it comes ready to fly (RTF) with a 3S Smart Battery, Smart Charger, and Full Range Spektrum Radio. It has three different flight modes (Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert) and a Panic Button to help recover from an out of control RC Plane.

Click here to get your Hobbyzone Aeroscout S 2 1.1m RTF

Hobbyzone Sport Cub S 2 RTF with SAFE RC Trainer Plane

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The Hobbyzone Sport Cub S 2 RTF with SAFE & AS3X to help its tiny airframe handle wind better than it would be able to otherwise. It comes equipped with a 1S brushed power system that lacks power compared to a 2S brushless system like that one found on the Arrows Pioneer, which makes you less likely to be able to fly it in  comparably much wind. That fact is one of the only factors that slides this proven Beginner RC Trainer Plane this far down on the list. Currently, its price is the same as the Pioneer at $160 with three flight modes (Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert), similar to the Hobbyzone Aeroscout S 2 1.1m RTF without a Panic Button.

Click here get your Hobbyzone Sport Cub S 2 RTF

WLtoys Cessna 182 Micro RTF RC Trainer Plane

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I wanted to include a very budget friendly plane on this list to help round out this lineup, so that is how this little Cessna 182 made the list. The biggest things this plane have going for it are is $60 price, durability, and long flight times. I must caution that this one will be the most difficult to learn to fly on as compared to the planes on the list. It is the only 3-Channel RC Plane on the list, which has its Pros & Cons for complete beginners. However, I need to be clear that to have any kind of control with this plane, you need to have the radio set to high rates. Even for an experienced pilot, you must have the "H" show up on the radio display, not the "L". This is best suited for younger people with great reflexes, patience, and a very limited budget.

Once you have become proficient with your Trainer Plane, visit the Second Plane List

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