The Best Ultra Micro RC Planes
I have been flying UMX or Ultra Micro RC Planes my entire RC Flying career starting with the amazing Hobbyzone Champ as my RC Trainer Plane. Since that time, I have flown nearly every offering released from Horizon Hobby and nearly all of them were great, though some took some adjustments to get them to fly to my liking such as the E-flite UMX B-17.
The list I have assembled below are not currently ranked in order and can be purchased at the time of this page publishing. They all show a significant jump forward from those I flew when I started flying back in 2011. Send me a message using the tool Affiliates Page or comment on my videos for these planes to let me know if you would make any adjustments to this list:
E-flite UMX P-51 VooDoo
This is a fun option for an experienced RC Flyer that wants maximum speed, but has limited space. It flies on compact 3S Lipo Batteries and due to the AS3X gyro system, it flies like a much bigger P-51 Mustang in its Voodoo Reno Racer trim scheme. The paint has a really nice and shiny finish and looks like something "The Joker" from Batman would fly.
The cost of E-flite UMX Planes has gone up in the past couple of years due to supply chain issues and inflation, but to me, this one is still worth the price tag. Click on the image above or the image above or the link below to see the current price.
Click here to get your E-flite UMX P-51D RC Reno Racer
E-flite UMX Pitts S-1S V2
The V1 version of this UMX RC Plane has been ranked by me as the single best UMX RC Plane along with the original UMX Timber (that was replaced by the UMX Turbo Timber when that was released) for the best Ultra Micro RC Planes ever released. With this latest V2 release, the UMX Pitts got even better with 3S Power, SAFE Technology, and a more user friendly red JST battery plug. This is NOT for beginner RC Pilots.
Link to recommended battery: 3S Lipo Battery
This E-flite UMX Plane is still worth the price tag and then some! Click on the image above or the link below to see the current price.
Click here get your E-flite UMX Pitts S-1S V2 RC Biplane
E-flite Micro Draco
This newer and smaller version of 2M E-flite Draco is a better flying version of the two. It has better suspension (it actually works on this one) and still has a very impressive light kit, just at a smaller size.
This flies on either 3S or 4S batteries. I prefer how it flies and CG's with the Recommended 4S Battery. The flight envelope is quite wide for something this small and very few people that buy it will not enjoy it. The only thing that could be an issue is that just like Big Brother, it does require some flying skills to get the most out of it. Those that use heavier than recommended packs will be asking for this plane to stall.
This E-flite Micro Plane is worth the price tag in my humble opinion and worth buying when in stock. Click on the image above the link below to see the current price of this Aerobatic High Winged RC Plane.
Click here to get your E-flite Micro Draco RC Bush Plane
E-flite UMX Air Tractor
The UMX Air Tractor flies like a low-wing version of the very popular UMX Turbo Timber. They both have a power 3S power system and handle like a dream. I have even flown and landed this one off of our rough grass flying field with no issues, so it is a very flexible RC Platform. It even comes with fully functioning flaps!
Link to recommended battery: 3S Lipo Battery
This E-flite UMX Plane is worth the price tag for most! Click on the image above the link below to see the current price of this versatile and very fun RC Plane.
Click here to get your E-flite Air Tractor UMX RC Ag Plane
E-flite UMX Timber X
Like the first two on this list, the UMX Timber X requires a lot of flying experience to hand it not end up as a pile of foam on the ground on this first flight. While it has 3D flight characteristics, you can still cruise around with it at a relatively slow speed on straight passes. I would caution slow turns as it will likely lead to a tip stall given the shorter wing design. Overall, I love the feel of this one on the sticks and recommend it for anyone looking for a fun a dynamic small plane to fly in a small area. It ability to produce consistently perfect landings makes me take it out to fly every chance I get!
Link to recommended battery: 3S Lipo Battery
This E-flite UMX Plane is worth the price tag for many! Click on the image above the link below to see the current price of this Aerobatic High Winged RC Plane.
Click here to get your E-flite UMX Timber X RC Bush Plane
E-flite UMX Turbo Timber Evolution
Few RC Planes, much less Ultra Micro RC Plane, have been accepted as well as this RC Legend. It is one of my favorite RC Planes ever and they made better with a quieter motor and 3S POWER! This has updated landing gear building on the previously BEST RC Landing gear for a UMX RC Plane. Did I mention is has factory installed fully functioning flaps as well?
Link to recommended battery: 3S Lipo Pack
This E-flite UMX Plane is worth every penny and has even been used successfully as a trainer plane by quite a few people (I do not recommend it for that, however). Click on the image above or the link below to see the current price of this Micro STOL RC Airplane.
Click here to get your E-flite UMX Turbo Timber Evolution RC Plane
E-flite UMX Radian
This is a great micro-sized glider that many RC Enthusiasts would get hours of fun out of during the flying season! This is the updated V2 version with both AS3X Technology and SAFE Select, but I still have my V1 UMX Radian I have been to hell and back with, yet it still flies great! Wildman Time and I flew them together shortly after we recorded the maiden flight video for this one. Needless to say, both of us felt strongly that they are both relaxing and surprisingly fun to fly.
Link to recommended battery: 1S 200mAh Lipo's
At only $99 at the time of this writing, they are a must have in your RC Hangar. Click on the image above or the link below to see the current price on this amazing little RC Glider!
Click here get your E-flite UMX Radian Glider RC Plane
E-flite UMX Ultrix
This is an amazing RC Plane that blazed its own path when it was released in 2020. Not only is it a wonder little stunt plane, but it can haul the mail in level flight with the throttle applied. High Alpha's are easy, even for someone like me, and you can even add a light kit specifically designed for it!
Ultrix Battery Options: 800mAh 1S Packs or 500mAh 1S Packs
Optional Light Kit: UMX Ultrix Light Kit
At only $129 at the time of this writing, this is a hard one not to recommend to folks to mix up their RC Flying experience. Click on the image above or the link below to see the current price on this unique little RC Plane!
Click here to get your E-flite UMX Ultrix RC Stunt Plane
Are you wanting to fly an EDF Jet? Once you have become proficient with your 4 channel RC Planes and RC Warbirds, visit the Best First EDF Jets List.
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